Robert Bruce "Bob" Angle 1933-2016

     Robert Bruce "Bob" Angle, 83, passed away on November 14, 2016 at the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem, NC.
     Bob was born to the late Hugh and Rolene Angle on February 17, 1933 in Bay Village, Ohio. He served as an acolyte at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church in Bethel, CT, and the church's young rector Jack Sharkey played a vital role in nurturing him as a young man. MORE...
Robert Bruce "Bob" Angle - Fort Macon Tour Guide

Angle Gunslinger

Robert Bruce Angle - about 1985
"Trying to go back in time and put himself in ancestral shoes"

Angle-Shultz Wedding

Danny & Ashley Donovan, Emily & Rob Angle II
Arielle & Zach Angle
Emily & Rob Angle III and Patrick Angle
September 1, 2007

The Angle Clan - 2005

A Little History about Claire and Bob

Claire met Bob at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They were married November 6, 1954.

Robert Bruce Angle was born on February 17, 1933 in Bay Village, Ohio. We may never know why Rolene and Hugh Angle were in Ohio at that time......

Claire Louise Frank
was born in Mt. Airy, NC on April 4, 1932......

(more to be added as details are gathered)
The following posts include details and photographs of 
Claire and Bob's Four Children

Robert Bruce Angle, Jr.
John Lawrence Angle
Steven Lanier Angle
Sarah Louise Angle

Rob II and Emily Angle

Robert Bruce Angle, Jr. was born March 28, 1956 in Mt. Airy, NC. Robert married Emily Oppenlander in 1979.
The Rob II Clan - 2005

Ashley's Wedding - 2005

Rob and Emily's Children

Ashley Christen Angle was born March 24, 1981 in Greensboro, North Carolina. Ashley married Daniel Donovan on November 12, 2005.

Patrick, Rob II, Emily, Ashley, Rob III and Zach

Robert Bruce Angle III - born February 9, 1983 in Greensboro, North Carolina. Robby married Emily on December 18, 2004.
Zachary Jonathan Angle was born September 19, 1984 in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Patrick Christian Angle was born November 3, 1988 in Greensboro, North Carolina.

John and Laura Angle

John Lawrence Angle was born October 19, 1957 in Würzburg, Germany. John married Laura Willet on March 28, 1989.

John and Laura with Tim, Sarah and Hannah - 2005

Laura and John's Children

Timothy Lawrence Angle
was born July 25, 1992 in Winston-Salem.

Hannah Louise Angle
was born November 2, 1994 -Winston-Salem.

Sarah Kay Angle
was born July 5, 1998 -Winston-Salem

Steve and Christy Angle

Steven Lanier Angle was born October 27, 1959 in Charlotte, NC.
Steve married Christy Grimes on May 23, 1982.

Steve and Christy's Children

Rebecca Lanier Angle
was born November 22, 1985.

Molly Hughes Angle was born March 6, 1988.

Claire Grace Angle was born June 18, 1996. She died August 26, 1996.

Rebecca and Molly - 2005

Andrew and Sarah Gillett

Sarah Louise Angle was born February 19, 1968 in Greensboro, NC. 
Sarah married Andrew Scott Gillett on December 28, 1990.

Sarah and Andy with Graham, Emma, Grady and Andrew - 2005

2005 - Sarah and Andy with Graham, Emma, Grady and Andrew
plus Bob, John, Laura and their children - Tim, Hannah and Sarah

Sarah and Andy's Children

Graham Case Gillett was born February 28, 1994.
Emma Grace Gillett was born July 29, 1996.
Samuel Grady Gillett was born November 6, 1998.

Andrew Elias Gillett was born June 7, 2000

Dad and Kids

Bob with Sarah, Steve, Rob and John
Matthews Coffee Shop - Beaufort, NC - about 2002

Hugh and Rolene Angle

Old Railroad Station, Bethel, Connecticut

Hugh Kirby Angle 1897-1982

Rolene Green Angle 1902-1989


  • Frank Wychoff Jury Angle was born on January 19, 1925. He died in Brunswick, Georgia. He was the son of Rolene Green and Ronald Jury who were married in 1924. Frank was adopted by Hugh Angle. Frank married Joan McKiernan.Their children:
    • Christopher Todd Angle
    • Frank Wychoff Angle, Jr. (nickname Wyck) 1956-1983 (died of ALS)
    • Bethany Shepherd Angle
    • Gillian Drake Angle
  • Margaret Elizabeth Angle was born in Detroit, Michigan on January 26, 1931 and died on February 13, 1997 in St. Louis, Michigan.
  • Margaret is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, St. Louis, Michigan. Margaret married Russell Monroe Bush (1921-1998). (They divorced in 1979.) Their children:
    • Wendy Rebecca Bush was born March 1957 and died June 27, 1978. Wendy is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in St. Louis, Michigan.
    • Russell Bush, Jr. was born April 1958.
    • Heidi Bush was born January 1960 in Michigan. Heidi married Gregory Wolterink. They have two children – Liza and Mia.
    • Terry G. Bush was born June 21, 1961 and died January 26, 1988.
    • Ted H. Bush was born July 21, 1964 and died January 15, 1997.

  • Barbara Angle was born on March 6, 1939 in Hartford, CT. Barbara married Thomas Stevens. Barbara married Thomas Stevens. Their children:
    • Thomas Stevens, Jr. – one child, Lara
    • Samantha Stevens
  • Robert Bruce Angle was born February 17, 1933 in Bay Village, Ohio. Robert married Claire Louise Frank on November 4, 1954. Claire Louise Frank was born April 4, 1932 in Mt. Airy, NC.Hugh Angle with Grandchildren Rob and John
  • Hugh and Rolene at a Wedding Dinner - Rolene is far left and Hugh is far right

- Notes -

Both Hugh and Rolene had been previously married.

Hugh married Dorothy McPherson in 1920. They had two children, Gordon and Hugh, who took their mother’s maiden name.

Rolene married Ronald Jury in 1924. They had one child - Frank Wychoff Jury. Frank was adopted by Hugh Angle when he married Rolene in 1930.

Hugh and Rolene met on an elevator in the building where they both worked - probably in Michigan.

Hugh Kirby Angle was born on December 4, 1897 in Franklin County, Virginia and died May 4, 1982 in Sarasota, Florida.
Rolene Green was born on March 28, 1902 in Lowell Village, Michigan and died on December 20, 1989 in Sarasota, Florida.

George and Bessie Angle- Grandparents of RBA

Waterbury, CT-1920s

George Walter Angle 1867-
Bessie L. Bell 1872-1955

Walter L. Angle
· Walter Leslie Angle was born in Elk Point, South Dakota on August 23, 1894 and died on September 23, 1983. He married Alice E. Holm 1905-2010.
  • Hugh Kirby Angle was born on December 4, 1897 and died May 4, 1982 in Sarasota, Florida. The handwritten 1900 census recorded his name as Kirby H. Angle.
· George Walter Angle, Jr. was born in Connecticut in 1905.

· Raymond Parker Angle was born in 1903 and died of polio in 1906.

· Lucinda F. Angle died at birth.

The 1920 census recorded George and Bessie Angle living in Waterbury Connecticut.
George - 52 years old – salesman in a store
Bessie - 47 years old – keeps house
Walter 25 - born in S. Dakota - bank clerk
Kirby 22 - born in Virginia - college student
George 14 - born in Connecticut

Leslie Combs Bell - Confederate Soldier 1861-1865

Leslie Combs Bell and Mosby Reynolds Bell Family 1895
Children - Leslie C., Andrew Wilks, Edward C., William Reynolds (sepia photo of his daughter Edna 1884-1962), Stella Dorothea, Bessie L., Maggie S., and Pauline H.
-Click Images to Enlarge-

1924 Angles and Bells
Back row: Rachel and George Walter Angle Jr., George Walter Angle Sr., Phillip Signor Sr. and Leslie Wetmore - Middle row: Unknown, June Angle, Pauline Bell Fenton, Edna Signor and William Reynolds Bell - Front row: Walter Angle, Harold Fenton and Virginia Fenton

Bell-Angle Family 1925
Home of George & Bessie L. Bell Angle, Cooke Street, Waterbury, CT
Bessie L. Bell Angle's siblings are lighted in blue

Top row:
William Reynolds Bell & Bessie Bell, Bessie L. Bell Angle, William Brodie, Pauline Bell Fenton & Harry Fenton - Next row: Lois Bell, Margaret Wetmore, Stella Dorothea Bell Wetmore and Margaret Bell Brodie - Next row: Leslie Wetmore and George Angle Sr. - Bottom row: Winfield Bell, Dick Fenton, Edith Caulkins (friend of Margaret Wetmore), Virginia Fenton, Rachel Angle and George Angle

Bell Family-about 1928
Back L-R:Harold, Charles, Edna, Kenneth, Margaret, Stanley,
Frank, Madeline, Paul, Edward - Front L-R: Lois,
Doris, William R. Bell, Bessie Bell, Dorothy and Katherine

Bell Family 1950

Back L-R: Paul Feuerstein (husband of Lois Bell), Fred Susenburger (husband of Katherine Bell), Frank Bell and wife Cora, Carl Pearson (husband of Margaret Bell), Edward Howard Bell and wife Maudie, Paul Bell and wife Elise, Kenneth Bell, Phillip Signor and wife Edna Bell,Therm Hummel (husband of Dorothy Bell), Harold Bell, Stanley Bell, Carl Goodrich (husband of Madeline Bell), Winfield Bell, Charles Leslie Bell - Front L-R: Lois Bell Feuerstein, Katherine Bell Susenburger, Margaret Bell Pearson, Helen Bell (wife of Paul Bell), Bessie Bell & William Bell, Dorothy Bell Hummel, Madeline Bell Goodrich, Margaret (wife of Stanley Bell) and Doris Bell Satti

Fortifications at Petersburg, Virginia

28th Regiment, Virginia Infantry

The 28th Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Lynchburg, Virginia, in June, 1861. Its members were raised in the counties of Botetourt, Craig, Bedford, Campbell, and Roanoke. After fighting at First Manassas the unit was assigned to General Pickett's, Garnett's, and Hunton's Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia.

It was active in the campaigns of the army from Williamsburg to Gettysburg except when it served with Longstreet at Suffolk. The 28th moved to North Carolina, then was on detached duty at Richmond. It fought at Cold Harbor, endured the battles and hardships of the Petersburg trenches, and was engaged in various conflicts around Appomattox.

The regiment totalled 600 men in April, 1862, and reported 40 casualties at Williamsburg at 47 at Seven Pines. It lost 12 killed and 52 wounded at Second Manassas, had 8 killed and 54 wounded during the Maryland Campaign, and, of the 333 engaged at Gettysburg, half were disabled. Many were captured at Sayler's Creek, and 3 officers and 51 men surrendered on April 9, 1865. The field officers were Colonels Robert C. Allen, Robert T. Preston, and William Watts; Lieutenant Colonels Samuel B. Paul and William L. Wingfield; and Majors Michael P. Spesard and Nathaniel C. Wilson.


Leslie Combs Bell, son of William L. Bell and Elizabeth Leftwich, father of Bessie L. Bell, and great grandfather to Robert Bruce Angle, was an American Civil War soldier - a Confederate from Virginia.
He enlisted on April 26, 1861. His papers showed him as a farmer – 5′ 11′′ grey eyes, red hair and a florid complexion.

Leslie enlisted as a private at the age of 20 as a member of the 28th Virginia Infantry. He was wounded on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. He was POW on April 6, 1865 and confined at Point Lookout, Maryland. He took the oath of allegiance on June 23, 1865 when he was released from Point Lookout as a Sergeant Major, and returned to his home in Virginia.

Point Lookout Prison, Point Lookout, Maryland

Caleb and Lavinia Angle

Caleb Angle 1819-1877

Lavinia Angle 1828-1910


Caleb was a miller. He and Lavinia had
three children - all born in Franklin County, Virginia

· Mary Angle was born in 1862.

· Hugh Mercer Angle was born in1864 and died in 1926.

· George Walter Angle was born in 1867.


-George Walter Angle married Bessie L. Bell on Oct. 12, 1892 in Grogginsville, VA.

-George and Bessie were the grandparents of Robert Bruce Angle.
-1900 census records George working at a creamery.
-1910 census shows him as a teamster in Butler County.
-In 1920 George is noted as a salesman.

-Bessie L. Bell
was born February 2, 1872 in Little Creek, Franklin County, VA—the third of eight children—and died October 26, 1955.
-Bessie’s parents were Leslie Combs Bell, born in Otter River, Bedford, VA in 1840 and died in 1920 in Waterbury, CN, and Mosby E. Reynolds (1846-1923).
-Mosby was the daughter of Thomas Larkin Reynolds and Madeline G.B. Wade. Madeline was born in 1846 and died in1923 Waterbury, CN.

-Leslie Combs Bell
, great-grandfather of Robert Bruce Angle, was one of the eight children of William L. Bell (1792- ) and Elizabeth Leftwich. William was a merchant and farmer. The 1860 census indicates real estate value of $12,500 and personal property of $8000 with slaves living and working on his farm. That same census notes Leslie at 19—a farm laborer.
-Leslie Combs Bell enlisted at age 20 and served in the Civil War – Company F, 28th Infantry Virginia. He was wounded at Gettysburg and was prisoner of war in 1865 at Point Lookout before being released. He is buried in Sunnyside Cemetery in Bedford, VA.

Henry and Sally Angle

Franklin County, Virginia

Henry Angle 1785-1832

Sally Robertson Angle 1786-1859


· Elizabeth Angle was born in 1812.

· Peter I. Angle, Jr. was born in 1813.

· Jane Angle was born in 1815.

· Thomas Angle was born in 1817.

· Caleb Angle was born in 1819 and died Dec. 7, 1877.

Caleb Angle married his cousin Lavinia Ester Angle, daughter of Peter I. Angle and Nancy Zeigler, on Oct. 12, 1859. Lavinia was born in 1828 and died in 1910.

The 1870 census notes Caleb as a miller.

· Daniel Angle was born on July 17, 1821 and died in April of 1906.

· Christina Angle was born in 1823.

Peter and Elizabeth Jane Angle

Peter Angle 1754-1821

Elizabeth Jane Miller

All children were born in Rocky Mount, Franklin County, Virginia

John A. Angle in 1775 and died in 1851

Jacob Angle was born 1783.

Henry Angle was born in 1785 and died in 1832.

Henry married Sarah “Sally” Robertson on Feb. 22, 1812. Their son Caleb married the daughter of his brother Peter I, Jr. Sally was born in 1786 and died in 1859. She was the daughter of Thomas Robertson (1735-1807) and Naomi Wade Robertson (1748- ).

Christina Angle was born in 1788.

Peter I. Angle, Jr. was born in 1789 and died in 1860.

Peter married Nancy Zeigler (1784-1850) in 1818. Their daughter, Lavinia Ester Angle married Caleb Angle, son of Henry Angle, in 1859.

Frances Angle was born on July 17, 1791 and died January 20, 1870.

Daniel Angle was born on December 4, 1792 and died April 16, 1868.

Tever Virgil Angle was born in 1800.

First Angle Family to Settle Virginia

Rockwell Kent, Child Under Tree, Virginia, The Virginia Historical Society

First Angle Family to Settle In Virginia

Peter I. Angle 1754-1821
Elizabeth Miller 1758-1827

Peter I. Angle was born either in Germany or in Franklin County, Virginia on April 22, 1754. There are very few records but some believe that Peter and his two brothers came to America as young men—probably from what is now known as the Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz) – and settled in Franklin County, Virginia - his brothers settling in Maryland and Pennsylvania.

Records show his wife, Elizabeth Jane Miller, as born in Germany on March 4, 1758. She may have met Peter on the boat they took to America in 1774 if indeed he immigrated then. They may have married in 1774 because the first of their eight children was born in 1775.

Peter died in February 25, 1821. Elizabeth died April 18, 1827. They are buried in the Angle family cemetery—set in the rolling farmland near the still active Angle farm in Wirtz, Franklin County, Virginia. The farm land has been in the Angle family since Peter Angle claimed the 153 acres when discharged in 1782 from his service in the Revolutionary War. One record shows Peter Angle as an officer for Franklin County. The above painting is included to help us imagine what it might have been like for Peter and Elizabeth as they raised their family during the last quarter of the18th century.

Angle Farm

The Angle Family Farm 1882 - 2007
Franklin County, Virginia

Angle Roots in Rhineland-Palatinate

In legend, the Palatine Hill in Rome was said to be the one on whose foot the twins Romulus and Remus were deposited when they escaped the flood of the Tiber River. It became the initial center of Rome and retained this importance for most of the life of the later Empire. The Roman emperors designated some of their local officials with the title "palatine" after the name of the hill.

Later empires such as the Merovingian and Carolingian used the same title, expanding it to "count palatine", which meant an official sent to report on a remote region owned by the crown. Under the later German empire of the Saxon and Salian dynasties (919-1125), a further expansion occurred -- the counts palatine were now responsible for general administration and dispensing justice.

The regions along the middle Rhine were originally put under imperial control by the Salian dynasty. But after 1235, Emperor Friedrich II, who, more concerned with Italy than German lands, appointed a count-palatine of the Wittelsbach family which controlled the powerful duchy of Bavaria in return for the duke's support.

With the decline of the monarchy after Friedrich II, administrative rights reverted to local dukes or bishops, in Saxony, Bavaria and other places, but the count palatine of lower Lotharingia who headquartered at the palace at Aachen held onto these powers and kept them for his descendants, who called themselves the Counts Palatine of the Rhine. This territory, called the Rhenish or Lower Palatinate [German, Pfalz], was gathered on both sides of the Rhine River between the Main and the Neckar, with its capital at Heidelberg until the 18th century.

In 1329, to resolve an internal familial dispute, the North Mark of Bavaria was detached, named the Oberpfalz [Upper Palatinate], and transferred to the Count Palatine.

The trend in those days was to subdivide inheritance among all the sons of a family and in this way the Palatinate was divided into four regions in 1410. This was reversed by Friedrich the Victorious (1449-1476). After this event, the Palatinate's power grew and it became the leading state in the empire, a fact which was recognized by making its ruler an hereditary elector in 1356.

Previously an entirely Catholic region, the Palatinate accepted Calvinism under Elector Friedrich III during the 1560s.

Elector Friedrich V's acceptance of Bohemia's offer of its crown touched off in 1618 the Thirty Years War, a complicated catastrophe from which the Palatinate never really recovered. Although the final result was centuries in coming, it meant that instead of politically leading Germany, the Palatinate became a spoil, fought over by other states and countries. Subsequent German history might have been considerably different had the Palatinate rather than Prussia held the position that the latter was to acquire for itself. Initially however, the only immediately apparent loss was that of the Upper Palatinate which was claimed by Bavaria.

During these times, a weakened Palatinate was no match for an ebullient France under Sun king Louis XIV, whose forces ravaged the region. In fact, so much international concern was there over growing French hegemony, that Britain led a coalition of powers to oppose her. These struggles became known as the War of the Palatinate (or the War of the Grand Alliance or War of the League of Augsburg, 1688-1697). One major effect was large scale emigration from 1689 to 1697, and later, giving rise, for example, in the United States to the phenomenon of the Pennsylvania Dutch.

There was a major freeze in the winter of 1708/09 in the Palatinate. On 10 January 1709 the Rhine River froze and was closed for five weeks. Wine froze into ice. Grapevines died. Cattle died in their sheds. Many Palatines traveled down the Rhine to Rotterdam in late February and March. In Rotterdam they were housed in shacks covered with reeds. The ones who made it to London were housed in 1,600 tents surrounding the city. Londoners were resentful. Other Palatines were sent to other places, such as Ireland, the Scilly Isles, the West Indies, and New York.

Queen Anne was related to the ruler of the Palatinate. On 24 March 1709 a British naturalization act was passed whereby any foreigner who would take the oaths to the British government and profess himself a Protestant would be immediately naturalized and have all the privileges of an English-born subject for one shilling.